Inheritance: What You Will Give and Receive

Ultimately, OurThings serves as a tool to connect around the things we value, the homes that contain them, and the lifestyle they represent. Members can use the platform to help decide what they would like to pass on and to whom they would like to make particular gifts. For those who will inherit things, it serves as a means of tracking and valuing the items for which one will eventually become responsible. For those items that one does not wish to pass on, OurThings offers access to both internal and external secondary marketplaces for those things in order to streamline the process of downsizing and estate planning.

In the process, we hope to play a role in helping people share, inherit, and pass on their legacy to the next generation. We feel this is an essential service that will become increasingly needed as the Baby Boom Generation passes on an unprecedented amount of wealth to their children. As this occurs, we hope to make the process as stress-free as possible while also using the process as means of facilitating connection between generations, passing on the essential stories that define a way of life, and helping the next generation integrate significant things into their own life and legacy.